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"Saving Gaia,
Begins With Me."

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A note of thanks.

Welcome to BEGINS-WITHME@BLOGSPOT. Gratitude is given when you take a minute or two of your time to read the happenings of our Earth, Gaia.

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Two words: Global warming. This alone sparks outrageous reactions and responses across the whole world. However, we are not overreacting. Mainly because for one, this not only happens in a particular area. As the word "global" said so itself, everyone will be affected by it. Two, global warming can mark the end of mankind. So what exactly is global warming? What does it do? What causes it? How could we save ourselves or rather, the Earth?

What is global warming?
Global warming is the gradual increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's lower atmosphere or the Earth's near surface air and oceans. Simply speaking, the Earth is getting warmer and this is happening because of the increase in greenhouse gases.

What are greenhouse gases?
Greenhouse gases are gases that are present in the Earth's atmosphere. Without them, Earth would be so cold that it is unsuitable for man to live at. Therefore, they are important as they maintain the temperature of the Earth, keeping the Earth warm by cutting down the loss of heat into space.

Greenhouse gases are either natural or produced by industrial processes or human activities such as the burning of fossil fuel and coal. Natural greenhouse gases consist of water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and fluorocarbons.

As the saying goes, "Too much of something is not good". In this case, an excess of greenhouse gases can raise the temperature of a planet to dangerous levels. Take Venus for example, the temperature there is about 467 degrees Celsius because there is an excess of greenhouse gases where 96.5% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide.

Causes of global warming.
Global warming is caused by many things. One of which is the increase in greenhouse gases which was previously said. But Nature is not to be blamed alone.

The human activities that we do everyday are also contributing to global warming. Right now, the major problem is the amount of carbon dioxide being emitted into the air. Activities such as driving cars and airplanes releases carbon dioxide emissions into the air which is caused by the burning of fuel.

Also, the cutting down of trees is harmful because trees play a part in keeping the Earth cool and helping the Earth and us, men, by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen into the air. Less trees results in a depletion in the oxygen level which results in more carbon dioxide trapped in the air which eventually leads to a rise in the Earth's temperature.

Effects of global warming.
One of the biggest effect of global warming is the climatic change. There is an uneven of water distribution in the world. However, floods are happening in places where flooding history is uncommon. This is likely to be caused by the two other effects of global warming which is the rise in sea level and Artic shrinkage, which is the marked decrease in Artic sea ice and the observed melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet. And vice versa, droughts are happening in places which previously had good rainfall. The atmosphere gets harsher that cyclones and thunderstorms are more common.

Another major effect of global warming is the change in behaviour of the wild life. Extinctions of various species are becoming more common due to global warming. In order to survive through the warmer environment, many animals are seen adapting to it and migrating towards north or towards higher altitudes. Marine life is also sensitive to the increase in temperature. Many of them such as the coral reefs are expected to die or become extinct whereas marine life which prefer warmer waters will increase quickly.

Last but not least, glacier retreats are also an effect. In fact, up till today, there are still many effects of global warming waiting to be discovered.

Like what they say, the effects of what we do do not do unto us, but our children. And this is definitely true. To start with, the spread of diseases is one. Mosquitoes that carry diseases are spreading as the climatic change enables them to survive in places that were previously inhabitable. Also, malaria and dengue fever has been detected in higher elevations places in Indonesia and the Andes Mountains of Colombia respectively as mosquitoes now can carry diseases to a height of 7200 feet when they can only carry them up to 3300 feet in the past.

Global warming not only harms man directly but also indirectly. Agriculture will be affected as the production of grains will decrease and the fishing industries will be highly affected because of the rising in temperature which causes marine life to die or extinct (Refer to "Effects of Global Warming").

Deadly heat waves, which will lead to an increase number of people and animals killed during the summer, skin allergies and cancers, forest fires and water scarcity is some of the consequences.

Ways to reduce global warming.
The best way to fight global warming is to prevent it or at least, slowing down the process. There are many ways we can do to help reduce global warming.

How about apply the the golden rule "Reduce, reuse, recycle"? Reduce the amount of paper we use daily and if there is some space left or is useless, reuse it by using it as a rough paper or you can recycle it as well. Paper is not the only one that can be reuse, reduce or recycle! Materials made of aluminium can be recycled whereas plastic can be reused in any way you want it to be. Perhaps making a stationery holder out of it or reducing the purchase of plastic bottles.

Little things such as taking the bus, walking or riding a bicycle to your destination instead of taking a car. Or if a car is a must, consider purchasing a hybrid car or car pooling with a bunch of friends heading to the same workplace or area.

At home, we can help by switching off lights and fans or any other electrical appliances when not in use, change incandescent light bulbs to energy-saving light bulbs. Or go to the extra mile by installing solar panels or planting trees.

If you think you couldn't do the above, why not spread the message of global warming? Encourage your friends, family, relatives, neighbours or just anyone that global warming is happening and it is only our responsibility to help Gaia, help her restore back to a stable condition.

Five pictures of the most beautiful places on Earth/Natural wonders.

Auroras at Bear Lake

Niagara Falls

Great Barrier Reef

Mount Everest

ParĂ­cutin volcano

Every little thing counts and helps. It is only right that we help ourselves by helping the Earth and vice versa. Start today people! 'Cause the world's not going to wait for us.